About Us

Soken is a virtual Second Life store that provides quality boys, girls and teens mesh clothing. Unique original outfits, accessories, toys, skins, bedsets and furniture at affordable prices. Visit us to join our free contests, slap MM boards, and collect our exclusive free gifts! We also provide items for Toddleedoo, Yabu babies and CK Tots.

Toddleedoo Full Perm Mesh!


I'm late, I know! I promised I would get them out last week and I know many of you have been waiting for them. I'm working on even more full perms for Toddleedoo, so hang on tight! Each full perm product comes with TD kid & TD baby versions together. As usual- PSD template with fabric, shadows, and wrinkles are included. A one prim- 3D display of the mesh with hanger would be included as well, to put out in your store. If you have these meshes in Regular Kid versions, you can use the same textures for these too! One UV Map fits all three versions! Regular Kids = TD Kids = TD Baby

I noticed that many full perm TD meshes are paper thin with backface culling. Meaning, they look like you are wearing clothing as thick as toilet paper and if you look at the insides, they are completely transparent. If you are not fond of those, then these meshes are for you! They are thicker at the rims and without transparent insides! So here they are- available on marketplace and inworld at KidsLabz TD Toys sim.

I hope you all enjoy and happy designing!!!

New Barefeet Designs...


Check them out HERE in Marketplace.

Show Your Pride!!!


Mesh barefeet- tattooed skin, rainbow toenails and adorned with mesh leather sandals and ankle bracelets. Boys and Girls versions of Rainbow Pride anklets are included.

Get them HERE now!

Soken KidsLabz TD

Here is the moment you all have been waiting for! You asked for it, now you've got it! Welcome to Soken KidsLabz TD - where we only sell Toddleedoo clothing, 100% Mesh! All products come with TD Kid & TD Baby sold together. Our meshes now fit all three size avatars: Regular kid, TD kid, & TD Baby. One texture fits all!!! We are proud to participate in NGI's annual Pumpkin Texturing Contest! Over 300+ mesh products released instore. Come visit us HERE at Toys sim.

Soken and KidsLabz branch for Toddleedoos only!
Owners: MckenzieKy Resident & Diiego Levane

Kids Rigged Mesh Bare Feet!


Come walk with style with your very own mesh feet! Easy to use and customize and 5 sizes included...

Check them out HERE.

New Posters! Yayyy....


You know I LOVE making posters! So I spent time to make a few more. I know they're long overdue and I'm really glad that I finally got to do them. Lots of models and lots of changing outfits, editing and photoshopping- but here they are now!

55 New Mesh Layered Mini Skirts!

Girls, I've got some treats for you! We've released 55 new mini skirts- plaid, polka dots, ruched, plains, feminine and glittered too! Match them up with your favorite tops and style away! As always, let me show you some of my favorites. I've just watched White Chicks movie for the 3rd time now and I'm in the mood! Lets go.... Shopping!!! Check out our Marketplace.

Free Mesh Layered Mini Skirt!


Get it HERE on Marketplace.

Autism & Breast Cancer Awareness Series

There comes a point of time in our lives that we've been touched by autism or breast cancer in some form. It may be yourself, a family member, or a close friend. When such a time knocks at your door, a flood of mixed incomprehensible emotions and thoughts would course through you. You may feel panicked, angry, disappointed, and sorrow all at once. At times you wish to isolate yourself in a cocoon or you crave the love and support of those around you.

My beloved mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is going through surgery in Mexico City. My friend's one and only son, the apple of his eye, was found to have autism. He is five years old, unable to speak or play like other children. What can we do in this point in time, but to accept and embrace and support one another? So I've decided to make an autism & breast cancer awareness series to reach out to those with breast cancer or autism, or know someone with them. We embrace, we accept, support, and fight for a better future for ourselves and our loved ones.

These free items are available on Marketplace and inworld. Get them HERE.

96 New Shortalls & Long Overalls - Boys Designs


We've done it again! New designs for the shortalls & long overalls meshes, each design available in the pants length of your choice. This batch of designs are logo-less as promised on the day that SL viewers allowed the selection of rigged mesh. Whether it's denim, corduroy, or beige khaki fabric- we've got it! Casual, punk, playful, and athletic looks for your summer wardrobe! Plain inside shirts or stripes or a dash of polka dots- so many to choose from! Visit our Mainstore to see the 3D displays. Check out the few favorites from the boys category...