About Us

Soken is a virtual Second Life store that provides quality boys, girls and teens mesh clothing. Unique original outfits, accessories, toys, skins, bedsets and furniture at affordable prices. Visit us to join our free contests, slap MM boards, and collect our exclusive free gifts! We also provide items for Toddleedoo, Yabu babies and CK Tots.

Doctor Who Hunt!


Free hunt gifts for regular kids and toddleedoo avatars! Featuring the new mesh- half sleeve velvet hoodie shirts with strings. Come get them now!

Store #03 SLURL Hint: Oh Pretty Me! I twirl my dresses around.

Store #04 SLURL Hint: My Dad Can Fix Anything! Follow the TD tuxedos.

Toddleedoo Short Shirts Preview! [GIRLS]


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Toddleedoo Short Shirts Preview! [BOYS]

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Toddleedoo Polo Shirts Preview!

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Toddleedoo Mini Skirts Preview!

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